Tuesday, November 17, 2009

I peel to very much color


I have never dyed the hair of strident colors. Nevertheless, some time I have thought it. And presently, this intrigue has turned me a little. And the fact is that I have seen many girls walking along the street, showing highlights and bold colors.

You what do you think about this tendency? Do you like or they seem too much to you? You are free to do and to say what should be. Nevertheless, there is something that you cannot refute: the colors hair is fashionable and famous many use it or have used it.

In fact, we have proved to be to you a lot of celebrities with colors hair. We saw the hair of Gwen Stefani, Drew Barrymore, Lady Gaga, Rihanna, Kristen Stewart, Cyndi Lauper and Rachel McAdams.

(I resided …)

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