Monday, November 9, 2009

Bangs …: Do you cheer up?


As always, the women we have a strong fetish with the hair. No, I do not refer to rare things or with sexual connotations. I refer that whenever we happen for a crisis or want a drastic change, or we cut the hair, or change the color to ourselves or simply we change the hairstyle to turn out to be different.

So: this is what it is necessary to do! To change, to play and to experiment with your hair performs the healthiest thing, it does not hurt, it is not so costly as other beauty resources, and the best thing of everything is that after all the hair grows. Bearing this in mind, today we tell you that the bangs are still current and if you still have not cheered up, undoubtedly it is the period to do it.

The bangs devastate this period. If your face is lengthened, the advice is that you brush it towards a side. The straight bangs, on the other hand, are ideal for the girls with more round face. In these cases, the perfect length is that that exceeds the height of the eyebrow. It is better if they are well given to the forehead, although also the desmechados are admitted.

(I resided …)

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