Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The orders for the daily care of the hair (II)

the orders for the daily care of the hair image The orders for the daily care of the hair (II)

If you have already read our first delivery of the orders, of course habrás learned that with a simple change in your daily habits you will be able to show the hair that you have always wished. But it still stays much more for knowing.

The list of yes and them not for the daily care of your hair it continues. Know it next.

Protection of the hair

No: exhibit your hair to the sun in the most warm moment of the day. It tries to cover it or put a hat.

Yes: it wets your hair before entering the swimming pool with water with chlorine. As the hair will absorb first regular water, the damages of the water will be resisted with chlorine. Anyhow, the ideal thing would be that you were using bath cap.

Yes: he washes your hair after bathing you in water with chlorine.

Yes: it cleans also your brushes and combs. Leave them in soaking of lukewarm water and soap once a week.

Yes: do massages in your head, since it will stimulate the blood irrigation to the root of the hair follicle.

Yes: it applies cottons with oil in your hair two times per week. It can be a virgin extra olive oil, of coconut or of almond. It dips the oil in a cotton ball, apply it in the scalp during half an hour and then wash it with warm water. To finish, do a rinsing to yourself with cold water to smooth the cuticle of the hair. This smooths your hair of an exceptional way, making it more manageable.

Keep it healthy

No: tie your hair of a strong way and brace, and less even if it is wet. This provokes breaks and separation in the hair.

Yes: it continues a healthy feeding. A good diet is reflected also in the condition of the hair. If you want to know special food that help to see you more beautiful, click here.

No: abuse the dryer. If you decide to use it, finish the drying with cold air: this way the stem of the hair closes, which offers to you a soft and brilliant aspect.

Yes: it cuts the tops of the hair regularly. He avoids the not esthetic at all bloomed tops.

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