Saturday, February 27, 2010

Practical advices for your hair

So that your hair is healthy and brilliant, you have to take care of it on the outside and also inside.

Sometimes we try to apply many products and forget to take ourselves a healthy and balanced diet. The care of the hair needs a combination of all the possible factors so that it shines to the maximum.

That's why next we show you some practical advices for your hair.

The feeding is one of the basic props to show a splendid hair. There is food that help that the hair shows better:

1. So that the hair grows you can eat yeast of beer, yogurt, melon or nuts.

2. So that the hair does not fall down you must have in your diet egg yolk, yeast and soya.

3. So that the hair shows brilliant and silky nothing better than to eat vegetables, fruits and cereals.

If concrete problems have already arisen in the hair nothing better than to read these advices:

1. It always treats the hair with specific products according to your type of hair: antifat, antidandruff, curls, smooth, with few volúmen, with many volúmen, etc. There are available shampoos in all these hair varieties.

2. Never forget to apply conditioners and masks that look for what you wish: to shine, to smooth, to curl, etc.

To take care of the hair from the outside nothing better than to use a scale of quality products. The question is to be trying little by little and to discard those pructos that do not give to you the result.

Since you will know there are two scales of capillary products:

1. Products of big consumption: marks like Pantene, Herbal Essens, H&Sàson economic marks and that can give us well results.

2. Professional products: you will find them in hairdressing salons and in specializing shops and they are of the type: Professional L'Oreal, professional Wella, etc.

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